2021 Review
Every year I try to look back at the previous 12 months and see if I can gain insights into my behaviour. This is not necessary an easy task as I need to keep track of a lot of stuff during the year. Lucky for me I really enjoy doing it so it’s not a dauting task. As a novelty this year I also tracked my expenses. The below graph is an iframe pointing towards a static html I built with chart.…more
Writing My First Swift App
Later edit: I played a lot in the meantime with some of the concepts below (with swift, Kotlin and Java). I did change my mind on a lot of topics but decided to let the article as-is. This post is not intended to be a tutorial on how to write your first app. It's merely my experience and maybe a general guideline on what to expect if you're trying to do this for the first time.…more
Climb mount stupid!
Any subject will eventually get complicated once you deep dive into it. The most recent subject I started exploring was coffee. Its pretty basic to make a cup of coffee. But if you go and explore the subject: the types of brewing, the variety of espresso machine models, grinders, recipes, bean origin, roasting, flavour, acidity, etc, you realise that even the most basic thing can become overwhelmingly complicated. Somehow I ended up chickening out whenever I wanted to start something.…more